Thursday, June 21, 2007

..and more ignorance

...The Ministry of Education in Romania (of Education...yes?) is attacking a decision of the Bucharest's Appeal Court through which the CNCD (National Council for Fighting against Discrimination) was considered right in its consideration that religious icons should be removed from public schools.

They are implying that Romania is an Orthodox-formed country; they are implying that through this action we (the atheists, because this was all started by an atheist teacher that considered orthodox religious icons and mandatory religion classes in the school in which he was teaching a discriminatory act against all other religions) are discriminating them.

The forums have gone wild...we are called retarded, satanists and traitors of our country. I'm still amazed by the violence of their reactions. They do not understand what laws are for, what public schools are, and they they call the Human Rights a diversion in a conspiracy to strip the morality and the beliefs of the romanian people; like anybody really gives a crap...right...there is a conspiracy of the entire world which has Romania as its primary target. Don't be stupid.

They still think that there is no morality without religion.
They still refuse to open their eyes.
I'm going to stand up for them and not call them idiots and retarded...but i'm going to say that they are cowards.
Big ones.


Anonymous said...

Bai papagalule, dar bolovan mai esti. NU cumva esti ruda cu ratatul ala Lucian Branea-Furculision, un imbecil betiv si fost slugarnic la asociatia studentilor comunisti, care la 45 de ani de ratare in bautura si onanie a ajuns sa faca pe desteptul cu imbecilitati din astea de doi lei ca tine.
Ba ratati ati mai ajuns din bautura si onanie inclusiv intelectuala.Vai de capul vostru !

WRD said...

"Papagal, bolovan, ratat, imbecil, betiv, onanie". Esti o dulceata. Esti tot ceea ce asteptam de la o sesiune de 20 de ani de brainwashing. Bucura-te. Nimeni nu se asteapta la mai mult de la tine. Toata lumea care te inconjoara te vede asa cum esti. Si ai sa mori asa!

P.S. Am 25 de ani. Nu-l cunosc pe Lucian Branea. Mi-ar face placere.

P.S.2 Ma repet: esti o dulceata... m-ai facut sa rad cu adevarat si asta mi se intampla rar. Iti doresc o viata frumoasa.
