Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Should religious symbols be kept out of the classroom?

Do you agree with the teenage girl in the UK who wants to overturn her school's ban on her Christian "purity" ring?

Lydia Playfoot was told by Millais School in Horsham, West Sussex, to remove her ring, which symbolises chastity, or face expulsion.

She says Sikh and Muslim pupils can wear bangles and headscarves in class.

The school denies breaching her human rights, insisting the ring is not an essential part of the Christian faith.

Lydia Playfoot's parents are part of the volunteer team for the UK branch of the Silver Ring Thing – an organisation that promotes abstinence among young people.

Should pupils always have the right to express their religion? Or should the classroom be free of religion? Who should decide what children can or cannot wear? Has a similar case happened in your school? Are all faiths treated fairly?

Click here to read the main story

Click here if you have any other story ideas

Published: Friday, 22 June, 2007, 07:34 GMT 08:34 UK on

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Un mic... scriitor

Mai jos este un post al unui "scriitor" (zice el) roman (desi gramatica cred ca e o himera pt el). Nu ma identific cu vreuna din categoriile atat de colorat prezentate de aceasta mostra de subcultura si ignoranta dar mi-e scarba de discriminarea si ura pe care acesta incearca sa o propage.

Niste tags pentru acest Gigi: patetism, subcultura, "fond lexical de 40 de cuvinte", noroi, Iuda, parvenire, ochelari de cal.

"Metrosexualii si retrosexualii!

In Lume ne-a cazut pe cap o nouo pleasca venita din partea unui
englez, numele nu are importanta, pentru ca am pacatui sa le mai
pomenim numele unor astfel de indivizi. Mai nou si România se screme
prelua,impune pe piata. Dupa câte stiu sunt mai multe definiti vreo
patru la numar, eu ma opresc doar la aceste douo, metro si retro.

Metro, sexualul la metru, a inceput sa ne dea lectii,cum sa ne
imbracam si comportam. Pe lânga aceasta neobrazare mai aduga una si
mai si, cum ca pentru el nu are importanta orientarea sexuala, pai
când a avut? Niciodata nu s-a pus problema orientari sexuale, pentru
ca lumea avea bunul simt a nu pune în discutie asemena chestiuni. Mai
bine spus, nimanui nu-i trecea prin cap ca colegul X este homalau,
daca acesta avea bunul simt a fie indeajuns de discret. Nouo astora
care nu ne trecea prin cap asemena chestiuni ne arunca acuza cum ca
am fi retro, bun, nu ar fi nimic daca acuzele la adresa noastra ar fi
oprite aici.

Un retro nu isi face unghiile, vopseste parul, pudreaza, rujeaza, el
nu stie de cosmeticician, este considerat un nespalat. Asa sa fie? Nu
stim, dar una o stim sigur, un barbat trebuie sa ramâna barbat nu
feminizeze cum recomanda a acesti metro. Gândul ma duce la ani 70-80
din Germania, când femeile au cerut prin demonstrati si fel si fel de
organizati ca barbatii sa fie radical schimbati, cereau un metro,insa
expresia nu fusese inca aruncata pe piata. Rezultatul, germanii s-au
feminizat, femeile barbatit. Un alt fenomen si-a facut aparitia,
barbatii sunt indiferenti fata de femei intr-un procent destul de
serios, acestea cauta disperata barbatii (cine are bani prin Africa)
pentru a le satisface. Este cauza pentru care Germania se afla in
topul tarilor in care homosexualitatea a depasit 50%, masturbarea
valabil ambelor sexe , precum si al obiectelor Sexy-Shop nu mai are
rost discuta. Nu o sa întâlniti intr-o Discoteca din Germania,
tinerii cautând face curte fetelor, care cel mai adesea se imbata mai
rau decât baietii. Mai nou s-a instaurat o moda, nu stim de cine
finantata. Tinerii sub 18 sunt ademeniti spre discoteci la un pret de
5 Euro, in care (tineti-va bine), este inclus alocolul nelimitat! Eu
in fiecare noapte in jurul orei 3-4 dimineata trec pe lânga trei
discoteci (din redactie, centru orasului), am intrat de mai multe ori
fie cu colegii fie singur sa beau o bere. Ma ingrozesc ce imi este
dat sa vad, asa ceva in Germania anilor 90 nu exista, acestii tineri
sunt metro si sa va argumentez de ce.

Majoritatea au adoptat moda zilei, aparent nimic rau in asta (voi
reveni la moda), insa, frizurile, modul cum se manifesta, danseaza,
releva o drama foarte adânca. Sunt insingurati, timizi (ambele sexe),
ei nu stiu ce inseamna a te indragosti de o fata, dar nici aceasta nu
stie mai mult, sunt incapabili (la vârsta lor, este anormal) a se
indragosti. Imaginea unei astfel de serate tineresti arata mai
degraba impartita in douo culori, fetele cu fetele care au lansat o
nouo moda, nu doar ca danseaza impreuna ci si una din fete sublineste
baiatul, lesbianism in public, atentie, nu sunt localuri specifice
acestor deviati. Baiesti nuau ajuns atât de departe,insa, acestia par
a fi animale turbate. Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de faptul ca muzica este
un techno fara cap si coada, se repeta ore in sir aceiasi sonoritate
muzicala, data la la maxim de dudie podeaua si pereti (ciment). Este
un metrosexual neinteresat de sex. Mentionez; totii acesti tinerii
sunt clientii de baza al laboratoaerelor de cosmetica, se pare ca
procentul depaseste pe cel al fetelor. Sa luam putin moda.

Metrosexuali sutin cum ca un retro se imbraca neadecvat, nu au gust
pentru eleganta. Nimic mai fals! In primul rând tinuta eleganta la
care fac referire metro, pâna prin anii 70 , indivizi retro nu ieseau
din casa fara cravata, femeile in rochi elegante, fiind o placere sa
iesi la plimbare si privesti oamneii de pe strada. Dupa anii 70 s-a
impus -generalizat moda Jeans,sportiva. Asa ca eleganta la care fac
referire acesti metro ca si in cazul paradei de orientarea sexuala nu
are justificare. In alta ordine de idei, recenta moda pentru baieti
este tot metro. Daca va veti duce din curiozitate la raioanele fete
si baieti, veti observa ca in linie nu mai exista absolut nici o
diferenta, exact ce cere acesti metro, sa manifestam partea femeiasca
(barbati), iar femeile pe cea barbateasca.

Gândul ma duce la o profetie biblica, nu mai stiu pe unde se afla,
acolo spune ca; Antihristul va schimba ordinea lucruilor, va opri
nasterile, ceea ce parintilor nostri nici prin gând nu le-a trecut.

Se pare ca acesti metro indeplinesc in amanunt aceasta sarcina.

In mare c-am acestea ar fi moda metrosexualilor, cine nu se adapteaza
este exclus, nu are sanse lega o relatie cu o fata, este considerat
un ratat, demodat. Observam lejer faptul ca la baza ca relatiile cu o
fata nu se leaga cu toate ca acesti tinerii sunt la zi cu moda,
poarta cele mai scumpe haine, cele mai moderne aparate cu putinta, se
comporta super modern si totusi acestia ramân niste ratati pe viata
si asta din frageda vârsta. Metro-ul asta mai contine o sopârla
veninoasa, tinerii trebuie raporta la un idol, fotablist, cântarez
sau actor. Daca pâna mai ieri revistele prezentau femeile perfecte,
acum a venit rândul barbatilor perfecti, adica metro. Unde exista
perfectiune? Câti baieti sau fete reusesc gasi foto-modelul prezentat
de reviste? Ce rezulta din aceasta nebunie, am prezentat sumar
constatarile din discoteci, repet; asa ceva nu exista in urma cu 10-
15 ani, era o placere sa mergi la o discoteca si, atentie; se mergea
imbracat elegant , flitru era in toi. Cele mai frumoase seri de dans
si flirt in Germania le-am trait, de o eleganta si frumuseste care si
acum când scriu ma gândesc nostalgic. Asa ceva azi nu mai exista, a
disparut subit!

Banuiesc ca multi dintr-e D-vs ati trait astfel de momente, poate va
aduceti aminte, minim 50% din ceeicare intrau la "agatat" plecau
cuplati, multii si-au intemeiat familii, cum era cândva la Hora, ei,
va asigur; in noua forma la care am asistat si analizato, nici macar
1% nu iese cuplat, majoritatea beti crita, violenti si tristi,
ingrozitor de tristi!

Aceasta este adevarata fata a acestui metrosexual ci nu ceea din
reviste sau prezentata obsesiv la TV.

Întâmplator zilele trecute am ascultat un Jurnal TVR, in care s-a
discutat aceasta tema, indivizi unul Bucurescu (a-la de face Cultura
Libre), si un alt dement, s-au legat de emisiunea cu icoanele in care
era pe lânga Plesu, Patapievici, am intels Alex Mihai Stoenescu si
Becali, ultimul luat peste picior,insa, despre primi trei intelctuali
rasati nu s-a gasit spune decât ca sunt retrosexuali, adica sunt
niste nespalatii (da, asa au redat verbal si in imagine un retro).
Lasând la o parte tâmpenia cum ca a doua zi se vor gasi niste
organizati ortodoxe care sa protesteze, reptata obsesiv, am ramas
masca la ce obraznicie mi-a fost dat sa asist. Douo zile mai târziu
Andressco in Ziua, incearca face praf intr-unmod barbar aceiasi
intelctuali,pe totii ceei care au semant Apelul CivicMedia sau luat

Eu nu am voie sa spun Andreescu este un dobitoc, Bucurescu homalau,
ca deh politic-corectitudinea asta imi interzice, insa aceste javre
au drept inventa un nou termen sa ma faca nespalat, atace violent pe
orcine nu le aproba aberatiile. Obraznicia acestor indivizi intrece
orce masura a bunei cuvinte, eu ma intreb pâna când? Libertatea si
conceptul de democratie acesti indivizi il pune in pericol ci nu un
Vadim sau Becali,pentru ca acesti descreierati compromit iremediabil
democratia. Eu cred ca acesta este scopul acestor javre,pentru ca asa
cum spuneam într-un material anterior, acesti deviati vor fi
victimele dictatorului care sta la usa, anuntat in România anului
2000 via TVR.

In cazul acestor intelctuali nu s-a putut pune stamplia
fundamentalist relgios, ortodox, s-a gasit formula retrosexual,
nespalat, necioplit, cum este posibil asa ceva? Lucrurile sunt prea
grave ,pericoluleste prea mare ca sa mai le ingaduim acestor scursuri
a societati a ne mai jigni, interzice manifesta , expune punctele de
vedere public!

Mai jagardelelor, eu nu sunt retrosexaul ci OM asa cum la facut
Dumnezeu, sunt barbat, nu femeie de care imi place la nebunie,
frumoasa mai este ca sa nu fie iubita si sa nu te imrepunezi cu ea,
asta chiar ca este pacat. Dar nu femeia din reviste,NU, pe aia sa o
lingeti voi netrebnicilor, ci cea normala, care miroase a femeie de
la o posta, ca si acestieia îi place sa miros a barbat. Nebunilor
pentru voi am scriis si publicat poezia de mai jos (dar si altele)

Chipuri de fete in baieti
chipuri de femei in cele barabtesti
femei cu femei
barbati cu barbati
copii in adulti
adult in copil

(sper ca am traduso din germana corect) Transformari- IBSN 3-930672-

Stati mai nenorocitilor, mai spurcaciunilor, de nu crap inainte de
vreme, v-am pregatit una si mai si, Cateaua Turbata, asta chiar ca
trebuie sa o public urgent sa vi-o traga mandea cum va place, nu la
popo, ci in ocarina, mama voastra de besti ordinare!

Na, ma semnez,nu imi este frica de voi pramatiilor!

Octavian Mihaescu

de pe


Thursday, June 21, 2007

The other dream was a little more inspiring

..and more ignorance

...The Ministry of Education in Romania (of Education...yes?) is attacking a decision of the Bucharest's Appeal Court through which the CNCD (National Council for Fighting against Discrimination) was considered right in its consideration that religious icons should be removed from public schools.

They are implying that Romania is an Orthodox-formed country; they are implying that through this action we (the atheists, because this was all started by an atheist teacher that considered orthodox religious icons and mandatory religion classes in the school in which he was teaching a discriminatory act against all other religions) are discriminating them.

The forums have gone wild...we are called retarded, satanists and traitors of our country. I'm still amazed by the violence of their reactions. They do not understand what laws are for, what public schools are, and they they call the Human Rights a diversion in a conspiracy to strip the morality and the beliefs of the romanian people; like anybody really gives a crap...right...there is a conspiracy of the entire world which has Romania as its primary target. Don't be stupid.

They still think that there is no morality without religion.
They still refuse to open their eyes.
I'm going to stand up for them and not call them idiots and retarded...but i'm going to say that they are cowards.
Big ones.

No sane cats graze this...

Rushdie furore stuns honours committee

· Muslim backlash after knighthood not foreseen
· UK protests over Pakistani minister's remarks

Duncan Campbell and Julian Borger
Wednesday June 20, 2007
The Guardian
Religious students in Multan, Pakistan, burn effigies of the Queen and Salman Rushdie during protests against the awarding of the knighthood

"The committee that recommended Salman Rushdie for a knighthood did not discuss any possible political ramifications and never imagined that the award would provoke the furious response that it has done in parts of the Muslim world, the Guardian has learnt.

It also emerged yesterday that the writers' organisation that led the lobbying for the author of Midnight's Children and The Satanic Verses to be knighted had originally hoped that the honour would lead to better relations between Britain and Asia.

The news came as the row spread around the world and the British high commissioner in Islamabad made representations to the Pakistani government over remarks supposedly made by the minister for religious affairs, Mohammed Ejaz ul-Haq, in which he appeared to justify suicide bombings as a response to the award.

Rushdie was celebrating his 60th birthday in London yesterday and is not commenting on the latest threats to his life. It is understood he is anxious not to inflame the situation. Scotland Yard declined to comment as a matter of policy on whether the writer has been given police protection.

The arts and media committee that proposed him for a knighthood is one of eight similar committees that make recommendations to the main committee, which then forwards the final names to the prime minister.

It was chaired by Lord Rothschild, the investment banker and former chairman of the trustees of the National Gallery. The other committee members are Jenny Abramsky, the BBC's director of radio and music; novelist and poet Ben Okri, who is vice-president of the English chapter of PEN International, which campaigns on behalf of writers who face persecution; Andreas Whittam Smith, former editor of the Independent; John Gross, the author and former theatre critic of the Sunday Telegraph; and two permanent secretaries, one from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and one from the Scottish executive.

"Very properly, we were concerned only with merit in relation to the level of the award," Mr Whittam Smith said yesterday.

He added that it would be for the main committee to assess any other aspects of the honour. The Foreign Office is represented on the main committee by the permanent secretary, whose job it would be to raise any potential international ramifications. A Foreign Office spokesman said he was not aware of any request by the honours committee to gauge likely Muslim reaction to the knighthood before the decision was taken.

PEN International, which campaigned on behalf of Rushdie when he was in hiding during the fatwa years, has lobbied consistently for him to be honoured. Yesterday the director of its London chapter, Jonathan Heawood, said that he was taken aback by the scale of the reaction.

Mr Heawood said it had been felt that an honour for the writer, who was born in Bombay (now Mumbai), would be seen as a positive step in British-Asian relations.

"The honour is for services to literature and a very belated recognition that he is a world writer, who was in the vanguard of a writing tradition that exploded in the 80s in south Asia," said Mr Heawood.

"It seems a shame that a few lines in his fourth novel should have turned him into this hate figure. He has become a Guy Fawkes figure to be thrown on a bonfire whenever it suits a government to divert attention from what is happening in their own countries."

The Pakistani foreign ministry summoned the British high commissioner yesterday to complain about the knighthood, but British officials said they used the occasion to protest about the remarks by Mr Ejaz ul-Haq, who has since said that his comments were a statement of fact and not intended to incite violence.

"The high commissioner, Robert Brinkley, made clear to the Pakistan ministry of foreign affairs the British government's deep concern about what the minister of religious affairs is reported to have said," a Foreign Office spokeswoman said. "We made very clear that nothing can justify suicide bomb attacks."

However, Pakistan's foreign minister, Kurshid Kasuri, said on a visit to Washington that Britain could not have been surprised by the outrage.

The chairman of the all-party group on Pakistan, the Conservative MP Stewart Jackson, also attacked the decision to knight Rushdie. "We do not need a situation where we are gratuitously offending our allies in the fight against terror," he told the ePolitix website. "I think the prime minister's office should think very carefully about that decision."

No date has been set for the investiture. Two ceremonies are due to take place next month but they are likely to be for those who were named in the New Year's honours list. Rushdie could become Sir Salman in the next batch of investitures between October and December or early next year."

....fear of a book...i feel like laughing my ass couldn't be more brainwashed if you used Tide. A novel that threatens all muslims. We are still burning things in the public square i see. LAME. SHAMEFUL. RETARDED. IGNORANT.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is Wiki wrong...?


Christianity is a monotheistic[1] religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.[2] Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God and the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, and they see the New Testament as the record of the Gospel that was revealed by Jesus. With an estimated 2.1 billion adherents in 2001, Christianity is the world's largest religion.[3] It is the predominant religion in Europe, the Americas, Southern Africa, the Philippines and Oceania.[4] It is also growing rapidly in Asia, particularly in China and South Korea.[5]

Always thought the numbers were below 1 billion in total. Guess i was wrong. It's going t be harder than i thought.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.

Mark Twain

Women In Art

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art

How to promote your worthless blog (the top 10 ways)

Vincent McBurneys's 10 unique ways to promote your blog

1. Do a live blogging YouTube nude streak onto the Superbowl arena.

2. Pretend you are a fake Walmart blog.

3. Do a series of trades to turn your house into one blue paper clip.

4. Hijack a combine harvester and cut an outline of your URL address into a corn field so it shows up on Google Earth.

5. Print off a blog post onto a very large piece of paper, hire a group of women over the age of 100 to stand in the crowd at Good Morning America holding up the sign.

6. Announce an attempt to swim around the world non-stop with your blog URL painted on your back. A shark cage is optional as a shark attack will get you a top listing on Digg.

7. Blog about bloggers who blog about bloggers who are blogging about the blogosphere. Be quick while it’s still untapped niche.

8. Create a fictitious blogger and make him/her your nemesis. Constantly attack each other is an escalating cycle of criticism and hatred that ultimately turns to violence. Kill off your nemesis blogger in a live blogging ultimate kick boxing event in a mystery Asian country.

9. Stow away on the space shuttle mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. After the work on the Hubble is completed sneak out in a space suit and paint your URL in reverse onto the lens of the telescope. Make sure you use really small letters.

10. Buy a white mattress. Cut it in half. Cut holes in the sides for your arms and the bottom for your legs and leave one whole in the top for your head. Remove enough of the stuffing so you fit inside it. Print off your blog homepage onto two very large pieces of paper. Staple it to both sides of the mattress. Put the mattress on and stand on the busiest street in your home city. Leave in enough stuffing so it doesn’t hurt when teenagers start beating you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Zombie Day in San Francisco zombies, white zombies, ugly zombies, cute zombies.... nevertheless...

Male egotism

"DragonflyBlade21: A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired."

If you're such a great guy why do u waste your time with that loser-bitch?? who would? you're not a great guy... you might be just a great dork!

This might be a clue...

Crawling cats

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The beasts a month ago

Soon, Evil Parents, soooon!!!

Gay Marriage and Why You’re for It

Wait, what? When the hell did I say I was for gay marriage?

You didn’t. But you must be or else you’re wrong.

But that’s ridiculous! This is an opinionated subject and no one can be right or wrong!

Relax. That’s just what they told you in kindergarten to shut you guys the hell up. The truth is that there are occasionally “right” and “wrong” sides to an issue. This being one of them.

But gay marriage is wrong because two men/women having sex with each other is disgusting!

I think fat republicans having sex is disgusting too. Does that mean we should not allow them to marry also?

But gay marriage is wrong because the bible is against it!

1. In that very same testament, the bible also demands that you sacrifice your firstborn to God. So if you’re going to follow the old law of not allowing homosexuals to marry, you must also kill/plan to kill your firstborn child.

2. (Quite possibly the most important point in American law today) Christians didn’t invent marriage. Just because two gay people are marrying doesn’t mean they are doing it under your god’s terms. And America, being a secular country, cannot base its laws on any religious doctrine.

If we allow homosexuals to marry, pretty soon we’ll be allowing people to marry animals!

Animals can not sign or display any kind of consent, are not considered citizens, are not even the same race, and have nothing to do with homosexuals. This has absolutely nothing to do with gay marriage. The logic here seems to be “I think X is weird. I also think Y is weird. Therefore if I am tolerant of X, I must also be tolerant of Y.” Now it sounds kind of silly, doesn’t it?


To sum things up:

  • If you ban gay marriage because you think it is gross, then I should also be able to ban you from having sex.
  • If you ban gay marriage because you agree with the bible, then you must first sacrifice your firstborn child.
  • If you ban gay marriage because you’re worried about people having sex with animals, you need to say that out loud to yourself until you realize how stupid that sounds.

All that being said, you are pro-gay marriage. Yes, even if you hate homosexuals.

Written by Melancton Tuesday, 12 June 2007 on

Enough grazing

You may raise both hands, if u still can.

Monday, June 11, 2007

4th grazing

Foto: DGP/

Romania's Gayfest 2007

Gay people, people who hate gay people and more police then any of these groups put together.

No injuries, no drama.

Some stone throwing, some stadium-like yelling. Nothing new, just the old "hate what you don't understand" of the usual primates.

And the same old bullshit in the newspapers, everybody describing gays and lesbians and what they "want" and nobody picturing the complete ignorance, stupidity and cretinism of any ideology that makes you throw stones at people in a public square in the year 2007.

3rd grazing

2nd grazing

House MD

First grazing
